îRεNε * -- å plåcê fÖr my hεåd -- *

Long ago, just like the hearse you die to get in again. We are, so far, far from you. Bring it on, just like the hearse you slide to incinerate the lives of everyone you know. And what's the worse to do, from everyone heart you break, and like the blade you stain. Well i've been holding on tonight. What's the worst that i can say? Things are better if i stayed, so long and good night, so long and good night.

Monday, November 13, 2006


haha... i think by now, nobody reads this blog now, but anyways.. here goes nothing..

since my last update, it's been a very long time.. *yikes*

many things happened within this few months... ermm... i've already turned 19 *officially* >.<" who else? Sin Ying, Shanna and ZiXian has oso turned 19 too XD.. and yes, not to forget other fellow classmates Wan Yian and Yung Hui ^.^ well, one reminder here, if anyone here commits a crime, eg. shoplifting *thinking u're turning old and u wanna feel the youthful self again, and u wanna try something to excite urself... go steal some stuff and go then feeling high abt it, see u end up in lokap onot*~

in another err.. 13 hours, our first group presentation of this sem *ahem, 2nd sem for us d...* MGT101.. with dearies 'Baby' Aaron Lee/ Mr. Yeong , birdie 'Bird Queen' Shu Ying and 'Big Lo' Pui Kuen... erm.. i havent prepare leh.. i wonder if the rest did some memorizing work? *pondering*

Oh ya, today (or as in yday 12/11/06.. now oredi 1.37am 13/11/06) erm.. went to KiPark Sri Utara showcase and look look and houses.. wah, the houses there cost at least half a million Ringgit... =.=" and the ones on sale now are all 3 storeys.. today met one mouth very jin but i have to agree wiv him la.. thou i listen jor feel kinda embarrased...

Salesman : i'm sorry to tell u this mui mui zai *mom and me listening* but u would have to settle for the smallest room in the house *kla, i know what he wanna say jor*

Mom : coz next time marry out, no need so big room

Me : ..... *completely nothing to say... i knew they would say that.. i already have it coming my way*

that is not the problem here!! my room happens to have a lot of books leh.. i need space to bring in more comics.. AHEM... books... :P .... kla, honestly, i would expect my room to have an extra book shelf for my precious mangas!! how can u juz gimme a small room like tht? it's not tht i dun have a reason.. *aiya irene, y u wanna go buy so many comics...* =.= my leisure mah.. juz like u la, u buy so many handphone magz and cookery books.. aren't they the same reasons =.="
told Aaron that i went to see house today.. he told me that his dad oso went to see the house before this... said maybe we could be neighbors one day.. *ORR*... but sigh... i'm still sad over it.. whenever this sensitive issue between us is bringing brought out... there's onli silence... and the atmostphere cools down suddenly... and i dunno wat answer to giv... neither does he.. said tht his dad is pretty interested in the houses at Kipark.. kla. my dad oso la.. even wanna ask my uncle interested in the houses here onot.. dad wanna make water feature =.=" if not so hou sei call my uncle *his bro* to buy a house next us?! crazy.....
Sigh..... good luck to everyone...
nitez... signing off,

Thursday, July 20, 2006

19th July 2006

after a long 4 months without meeting Manpreet, she looks slimmer than last time. maybe she didn't lose weight, but it could be tht we havent seen her for a long time.

tis time, we asked her to meet us at McD at main block.. coz, walah~ it's her 19th Birthday. all of us, except LiLee were gathered at McD to celebrate her bday. we choose the Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe. big cake indeed >.<" luckily Manpreet said tht the cake was nice. Wan Yian "escort" dear birthday girl into the restaurant, thn we started singing the Happy Birthday song~~ but.. bad timing coz i had to reply an important sms = =" so sorry for the disrespectfulness... @@" coz i was really busy tht day >.<"

after the cake cutting session and the chatting session, we took a photo with everyone except our photographer Uncle Kenny. thn half of the crowd had to leave coz had to do sumthing... so i had to rush to give Bryan the thumbdrive with the photos we snapped at Jin Seng's birthday.. stupid Kae Bin still dun wanna online to give me the rest of the photos.. Bryan oso "blow" me like mad d... not my fault mah.... = =" he refused to online i oso cannot do anything.. coz i dun have his contact number.

after i left McD, i quickly rush to the WN stationery and buy a CDR to burn sumthin for fren. since shuying was at the bench, so i asked her to safeguard my bag while i walked as fast as possible to find Bryan and pass him the photos. din know tht Yuan Khai was there with him at the councelor. guessed tht Bryan accompanied him to require. juz say hi to Yuan Khai and bye to Bryan, thn i hurrily rushed to the wifi hotspot to get my laptop going and burn the software.

when i finished burning was already 2.30pm, which passed my appointment with my fren. so i have to rush all the way to the parking and speed back to Jalan Ipoh. i oredi know where he would probably go while waiting for me... the CC as usual = =" so i dun have to make any phone calls or smses to know his whereabouts. thn he told me tht he had to go back early (always the same case la =.=") saying tht his sister need the car coz she wanna buy a new car wor... = =" sounds like he doesnt wanna hang out with me, fine with me lo.. thn on the way down to the car park, i told him tht the software i burn is onli 2mb.. thn he got a shock.. coz.. the software he needed was... 700+mb.. obviously i got the wrong software.. OK LOH.. so SORRY = =" how i know wor.. coz the webpage display is in chinesem. damn celaka the laptop cannot read their page... = =" so i wasnt able to read.. u still wanna go ahead and blame me?

so... i had to rush back to popular to buy the cdr.. sigh.... no wonder i'm broke after paying for the accounts past year questions... broke broke broke~ celaka, i was hoping to have lunch with him coz long time din meet, din even bother to ask whether i had my lunch onot, or whether i was hungry or thirsty. instead he ask me to give him a drink. since i brought extra bottle of water, let him have a gulp la =.="thn.. my water contaminated d.. cannot drink.. coz got saliva = ="

thn played o2jam in cc awhile.. so sien... went down to the comic shop to see wat new comics available to read. bought XXX Holic vol9, Tsubasa vol15 and Wild Adapter vol4. i was hunting for W.A. the moment i stepped into the shop.. @@" now hoping Saiyuki Reload will 55 come out. Watase shud have new series coming out again since Zettai Kareshi oredi ended while Fushigi Genbu Kaiden is now in its 5th vol. have to start collecting back Death Note coz i bought until vol5. >.<" waah.. like tht sure broke lo...

looking forward to Sunday where i will be able to hang out with my dear high school frens again coz i didn't stay back for Senior 3. so i missed one whole year to stay with them... sigh... but thanks to frenster and MSN... yeap... we were able to keep in touch once again.. ah~ technology..

Monday, June 19, 2006

University life

well, i'm entering the 4th week as an university student... and it seems tht everyone has already found a gang to hang out with or some partners to sit together with during the classes. Mr Nar, our Econs lecturer was boring and soft at first. i think during the 3rd week, i felt kinda weird as he started rolling his sleeves up, and starts to crack some not-so-funny jokes. some were kinda odd but we laughed, not because we laugh with him, it's becoz we laughed at him. why? he was quite silly but wat the heck, i guess he is making some afforts to make the class more interesting. ok, so there goes another boring to a bit jolly class here.

so wat's the most boring subject now? the answer is... my favourite ITC - IT for Business course. goodness, during the 1st week, it was really kinda boring. his voice wasn't loud enuff, the classroom was absolutely suck! the reason was the classroom was too small to accomodate almost a hundred students. how even thou the staff changed the class, it was still not big enuff. we even had to cramp with the other students. but that was when we got to knew new frens.. wahaha.. we were actually spending our time making new frens. so these ppl were from Tsun Jin (Xun Ren). juz to let u know, the school is located at the road to Cheras. there was also a whole gang from JB, and watdya know'? they were also from a chinese private school *hooray~ we, the chinese private school students r taking over* btw.. i forgotten to intro the ITC lecturer - Mr Chay. tall and skinny looking. specs which made him looked like a nerd or a bookworm.

our Marketing lectuer, Mr Liew is quite an interesting man. he speaks of a slang which i think it's kinda cool. he always tell us tht his languange is blunt. he's the age of ur grandfather.. he's 63 oredi but he still doesnt look tht old. u'll be surprised tht he is slim and still looking good.. wahaha... i enjoy his class and really looking forward to his jokes.

lastly... wat have i missed? hmm.. btw, Mr Nar is teaching us Microeconomics. oh yeah.. Mr Gooi our Accounting lecturer. supposingly the 2nd oldest among our 4 lecturers. he sounds a bit like Ms Eileen, our foundation Acc lecturer. same style - always like to say add marks =.=" beh tahan.. tis lectuer.. hmm.. kinda funny too... and really funny coz of his way of saying certain topics.. wahahaha... i'll elaborate on tht funny thing next time.. if i still remember o.O"

well... it's still not tht bad.. hmm... havent even did my revision... how to transfer credit to Aus? sheeze.. better try to cut down on onlining. grr

Saturday, May 20, 2006

AnotheR BorinG DaY

So sien... dunno wat to do at home... still waiting for orientation to arrive.. y dun the time pass faster a bit? and my right thigh is pain and tired... sprained jor? *no gua* sit oso cannot, sleep oso cannot, can feel the leg so pain = ="

b7 today morning sms me again, ask wanna go CH canteen makan breakfast onot... i told him off by telling him tht i need to bathe and go college thn go MV. i told him i had no money, so he wanted to treat me.. sry la, others treat me i tak kisah, but urs i dun wan to spend a single penny... y? coz u have bullied me in form 5 for half a year.. n im damn fed up with u mocking at me... see me still will mock me.. saying how stupid i am, owez look down on me = =" say even if i study oso wont get good grades.. shit... i know u're smart n even got promoted back to 1st class in form 6.. so wat?!! u're one asshole n onli a B7...

walala~ so bored.. split with sheep for 2 weeks d... everything seems like it had juz happened yday... sigh sigh.. despite treating me badly sometimes, i can onli recall the sweet sweet memories, n i cant give myself a reason to hate u... hope u can be good good frens with chuan.. wow.. 2 ex getting along... cant wait to see the results~ kekeke.. coz chuan promised me d.... thx chuan.. for owez being there for me since form 2... yep yep.. forever we are buddies~ luckily u still understand me... n agree with most of my "life philosophies"... maybe we've been thru lots of things? lolx... hope u n kai ling 55 get back together la if u two still have feelings for each other ^^

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Shall I Welcome Myself Back?

Why did i ask this? becoz... if u guys had realized, i havent been blogging in Blogspot lately... so... shall i welcome back myself? like *hihi.. thank u for returning here.. where the shit have u been too?* i juz love cursing at myself.. wakakakaka.... sometimes, we must be cruel to ourselves then onli can complete some of the tasks right? bcoz the reality is cruel and u must be fast b4 someone pulls ur leg and u fall, thn ppl will have the upper hand.

learn to be cruel to urself bcoz it's one of the survivor kit u must have in this century. cruel to urself thn u will make the decisions.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Money IS the Root of All Evil

u've heard abt it, debated abt it, presented it, or maybe even wrote abt it. but how true is tis statement? how far can it go? have u ever experienced it b4?

let me tell u a story abt a man who's so into his money tht he even accused his own wife for stealing his money in front of the relatives. he backstabs his own wife, n he made it. the relatives doesnt believe the wife anymore when she was seeking help.

the real story was tht, the man had been stealing money from his wife without her even realizing it. slowly, the man took his wife's share of money for 20 years. wat did the wife do with the given money? she used them to buy marketing stuff, she has to give her children allowances, pay for her insurance. we know now the government has provide lesser subsidies for petrol. prices rose almost in everything. there was no increment in her pay, onli deduction from her husband.

his wife, devoting herself to the family. and yet, the man goes around tellin ppl his wife is a thief, how bad she was. juz imagine.. if u r the wife, what wud u do? to stay or to leave? relatives gives u the looks tht u're a bad person, someone they cannot hold faith in, cant put their trust in u. a modern society like now, ppl rather get a divorce to get out from this abusive husband. but she is still hanging on to the family. she raised her children with her bare hands. no servants, no helpers, onli her. she doensn't go work. simply bcoz her husband doesn't allow tht to happen.

he wants to be god in the hse. he want to play smart all the time. he thinks he's correct all the time. he must take control in everything. he batters his children's self esteem. their lives at home, with him n all his nonsence, it is like hell. whn he hits the wife, it's more than hell. does he love his wife? the wife felt hurt whn she recalls abt it. she did nothing wrong, her onli mistake was to marry into tis family. tis cursed family.

tis greedy family, everyone fights for money. all talks abt money. all boast how rich they are. she choose to remain simple. her sister-in-laws dress up beautifully, n sometimes even overdressed, she doesnt go beyond her limit. she isn't as rich as them. they go to the office, they do a bit of work n shake their legs most of the time. they get paid. wat they have nothing to do, they listen to gossips.. they hear wat they are being told. the man talks bad n does bad things behind the wife's knowledge.

the wife doesn't know much abt the ongoings in the office. she hardly goes to the office. onli one of her sister-in-law was kind enuff to show simpathy and told her wat had actually happened in the office. the wife knows tht one of the sister-in-law is emotionally attached with her husband. the man looks nice in public, but at home, he's a devil. he smothers everyone. including his nephews n nieces. who has he not condemn yet? ah.. yes.. the sister-in-law who is emotionally attached to him. he praises her. he smiles with her. he laughs with her. he talks with her. slowly, the vixen doesn't show any respect for his wife. she's the bitch in the eyes of the other relatives as well.

it has said tht she was once caught dating with one of the distant relative. who caught them? the wife of tht relative. she has already hold the record of commiting infidelity. she can do it once, y not twice? she steals the husband of others. juz bcoz she has problems with her marriage, she doens't have the rights to seek comfort in other ppl's husband. she has past her limits. she shall pay for her sins. how does she live everyday? don't she even feel remorse? i doubt tht. she's juz a bloody bitch. she cares for no one but money n herself. rumours said tht she married into the family bcoz her husband was rich.

remember one thing. punishment isn't necessarily on the sinner itself. it could be on the next generation. don't think tht u've sin, u got away with it juz bcoz u werent being punished. today u sinned, the next day, the consequences could be on ur children, or even ur loved ones. dare u take the risk? think twice. the lord onli forgives once, n sends u to hell twice.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Beginnin of exams, ending of foundation...

8th of April, our first subject of the day was... taa TAA~ none other than Statistics.. it was the worse paper that i've ever sat for.. Finite Maths was easier compare to this! hmm... okok, i'm juz crapping... guessed tht i didn't put enuff afford into Stats.. hmm... when i came out of the exam hall, i was almost in tears.. onli until when we went for lunch thn onli i can regain my smile... juz imagine, if i failed one stupid Stats n forced to stay back in foundation... actually i dun mind.. but going back to foundation onli for one subject.. r u kidding me? wasting my time.. but thn.. look on the bright side, i still get to see Mr Alex.. wahahaa.. waahaha... can hear Shuying voice echoing in my mind.. "U SONG 9 D AH?".. thn Khai Shein's voice "U THINK SO EASY TO FAIL AH?"... yerr...

anyways.. the main reason tht i wrote this post was not abt Stats exam.. but wat happened when i was about to enter the exam hall... Mr Alex was calling the students to enter the hall n keep quiet... so when i was about the enter the room, i greeted him as usual.. "Morning Sir".. thn he happily greeted back "morning". wahaha.. the next thing he asked.. "eh? how come u today din wear skirt? yday onli i juz told u tht u wear so nice"... my reply, "oh~ thn i wear next week la"... MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA... too happieeee... *muahaha* and yes, ppl will think tht i'm psycho... in fact i am.. yerrr... leaving HMC makes me.. heavy hearted... *wink*

juz now when i was talking with Shanna, she said tht i got "Alex Obsessive Syndrom".. yor.. need to say till like tht meh? kua jiong until say i will stick his photos on the wall.. CHOI! i wont do tht ok? later my mum oso say me crazy = =" wahaha, actually i'm not allowed to stick any poster on the wall.. makes the wall ugly la.. cant help it la.. he's so cute.. Soo Wen onlined last nite, and told me... some student requested him to do some actions, thn he did the 60's dance... the ones u see on tv, where ppl do tht pointing finger up in the air one.. the famous disco move... yer yer.. even told me... too bad she cannot record for me.. = =" gek me somemore by drawing tht dance out >"< YER YER YER.. i wanna watch him dance too! *sob sob sob sob sob*

while everyone is busy studying for exam, onli me busy blogging here.. = =" critique paper still got another more 16 lines to make it 3 full pages.. beh tahan.. continue later la.. whn i think wat to write